Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Chemistry, Pollution and Media Manipulation

The catalytic converter in modern automobiles facilitates the reduction of oxides of nitrogen and the oxidation of carbon monoxide in the exhaust stream.  The oxides of nitrogen, themselves toxic, give rise to ozone and other toxic species by atmospheric photochemical processes.  Traces of sulfur in gasoline lead to the poisoning of the catalyst in the converter and thus increase the danger of photochemical smog.  To improve our air quality and protect our health the administration has recently reduced the allowed level of sulfur in gasoline.  The media coverage of this action exemplifies the manipulation of the media by various interests.  It also illustrates the subtleties by the media treatment emphasizes one consideration over another.  The coverage in this instance emphasizes the possible increase in the price of gasoline over the chemistry behind the move and the health benefits that can be expected.

The oil industry is warning that Obama's new gas rules will be felt at the pump by consumers

Photo by Cameron Spencer/Getty Images

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