Sunday, April 13, 2014

Still running on MPGs

There has been an article floating around the internet recently entitled "Volkswagen’s New 300 MPG Car Is Not Allowed In America Because It’s Too Efficient." This is absolutely ridiculous. Volkwagen claims to have a vehicle, the XL1, that can be plugged in, but doesn't have to be in order to attain the much anticipated 300mpg marker, as well as a Jetta TDI wagon that gets a much less efficient (and yet still highly efficient) 85mpg. Both cars, so claims this article, are banned from American roads because of the high revenues of gas guzzling vehicles. Basically, the oil companies want to get richer and since it would be bad business to have vehicles that would make their product near obsolete, there is some conspiracy in which oil companies have taken over control of what vehicles get sold in the US. I reiterate, this is absolutely ridiculous. This car will not be for sale in the US because it is a concept car, and has not been proven to work yet. Also, the claim that the vehicle will only cost $60,000 despite its uniqueness and "exotic" materials is bogus. In reality, the XL1 will cost upwards of $120,000, according to Car and Driver. For a replica of GM's EV1 (this is essentially what the XL1 is, just given a newer paint job), this seems a bit excessive. Honestly, I'd still rather forego the "mpg" altogether and get a Tesla. You know what? For that price, I'd rather have two Teslas.

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