Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Just kidding…it's Melissa: Paying Addicts to Get Vaccinated?

The New York Times presents an article in which describes the overall benefits of paying heroin addicts $50 to receive a series of vaccinations against Hepatitis B. Not only were their attempts successful, but 80% of the patients showed up for their appointments on time, claims McNeil. Surprisingly about 25% of Britain's addicts have Hepatitis B which can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer. The vaccination prevents the disease, opposed to the drugs that only help slow it down.
The disease is also highly transmittable, much more so than Hepatitis C, such that even a toothbrush can be a means of transportation for this disease from one to the next.

Now I know if I were to go into any class room and bring this topic up for discussion I would immediately receive mix opinions on this. As expected, tax payers voiced their opinions for why they oppose paying addicts to receive the vaccinations. However, most that participated in the study were currently in some form of therapy receiving opioid substitutions, meaning there was an active effort to better themselves and get on a healthy path.

Most misconstrue the term 'addict.' It's perceived to be character flaw, rather than an actual disease. However, I'm sure if you take the time to speak with a current and recovering addict, you'll find the latter to be quite true. Drugs are something they consciously do to be "bad people;" it's their solution to dealing the pressures and stress of society because they haven't yet learned a sober mechanism. Essentially, the drugs make them numb which often leads to reckless behavior because they feel no guilt, sympathy, empathy, etc.


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