Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Magic Pill

If you are like most people you probably hope to lose weight fast by trying a fad diet or supplements, or hope for a magic pill.  The FDA estimated that approximately 60 billion dollars a year are spent diet programs and products. Is this all a shame a way to generate money or is there hope for a cure in the near future?
Investigators at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) think that they may have found the answers. “Researchers identify a protein in fat and liver cells that can be altered to increase energy expenditures”. By manipulating a biochemical process that underlies cells’ energy-burning abilities. They have made a novel discovery that could lead to a new therapy to combat obesity and diabetes. (click here for the link for full story.)
There claims that they will help the market by reducing type 2 diabetes leads to a large misconceptions; that only obese people are at risk for type 2 diabetes. Skinny people are rarely mentioned in the media and scientific literature when it comes to type 2 diabetes One in every three type two diabetes and are undiagnosed because of this misconception. (full story here)
While everyone loves a short cut especially when it comes to weight loss there are ways to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes. Stay at a healthy weight, eat well and be active. With these steps, you can stay healthier longer and lower your risk of diabetes. (More tips here).

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