Monday, March 13, 2023

FDA Recall on Disney Themed Hand Sanitizers

                                    Figure1: The Mandalorian and Mickey Mouse Hand Sanitizers

     These past couple years have made people really cautious of germs. Hand sanitizers have had an increase in sales during the Covid-19 pandemic. Most adults and children are using hand sanitizer on a daily basis.  Disney came out with the Mandalorian and Mickey Mouse hand sanitizers, which are advertised towards children. The FDA recalled these two hand sanitizers due to the presence of benzene in the Mandalorian hand sanitizer and the presence of methanol in the Mickey mouse hand sanitizer. The results from FDA testing were released in February of 2022. Best Brands Inc. imported these two products, but a third party manufactured them. According to the Fox Business article, "both lots were produced in April and May 2020 but were later removed from sale in April 2021due to "unrelated commercial reasons"". Best Brands Inc. did not receive any complaints from the use of the product but advised the public to discard the products. The FDA provided expiration dates of June 30, 2022 for the Mickey Mouse hand sanitizer and September 30, 2022 for the Mandalorian hand sanitizer. 

Figure 2: Benzene molecule

    The Mandalorian themed hand sanitizer contained the molecule benzene. This molecule can be found in people's everyday lives, but substantial exposure can lead to negative affects. The Fox Business article states that "benzene exposure via inhalation, orally, or skin could result in life threatening cancers and/or blood disorders". Specifically leukemia and blood cancer of the bone marrow. The Mickey Mouse themed hand sanitizer contained methanol. Substantial exposure to methanol can result in nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred vision, coma, seizures, permanent blindness, permanent damage to the central nervous system, or death. Having substantial exposure to either of these chemicals may be life threatening. 

Figure 3: Methanol molecule

    The FDA gave information to allow people to report experiences with the use of these products by online, mail, or phone number. They also gave advice to report a physician or healthcare provider if a person is experiencing any problems that may be similar to the symptoms above while using the products. Even though these products are no longer being sold people should still be cautious and check the lot numbers on the hand sanitizers. In this case, these hand sanitizers are probably given to children, maybe in school backpacks. Then, parents should be aware and check the products lot numbers for them. People should be aware that these chemicals may be used in other personal care products. This may include deodorants and dry shampoo spray for benzene. While for methanol some products may be skin care products and makeup. 


Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. (n.d.). Best Brand Consumers Products, inc.. issues voluntary recall of Mickey Mouse hand sanitizer ethyl alcohol 68% due to presence of methanol and the mandalorian hand sanitizer ethyl alcohol 68% due to the presence of benzene. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved March 13, 2023, from

Chi-Sing, H. (2022, April 3). Disney hand sanitizers recalled due to benzene and methanol presence. Fox Business. Retrieved March 13, 2023, from

1 comment:

  1. Good informative title and eye-catching graphic. Your lede paragraph is quite good. You tell us what a hand sanitizer is and what as happened to them. The Disney them to attract children is a key issue, of course. You give us a good explanation of the specific impurities and their hazards. The active ingredient in most hand sanitizers is ethanol so a methanol impurity is perhaps not too surprising. Most hand sanitizers also have moisturizers, usually oils, fats, glycerine, etc. Not clear where the benzene comes from. The FDA seems to have responded appropriately. The importance of hand sanitizers is mentioned. The product is the result of chemistry and chemists identified and addressed the problem. So overall sort of neutral on chemistry and chemists. A timely piece in a widely read source. Overall a solid post.
