Monday, April 6, 2020

Who is qualified for Covid pass?

In a coronavirus outbreak piece in the New York times, reporter Jason Horowits discusses the circumstances of going back to work in Italy. In order for the Italians to go back to work they have to have the right antibodies. Since the curve of the new infected cases in Italy is going down, governors  along with researchers and scientists are determining the proper way of when and how to reopen without facing any new challenges.
 Credit...Alessandro Grassani for The New York Times

A special license has been proposed for Italians who possess antibodies that show they have had beaten the virus. The process of giving these licenses is not clear yet. As the number of cases has been decreasing, the governors of Italy are thinking seriously about reopening the economy. Due to the fact that Italy was one of the first infected countries with very large numbers of infected and death cases, it gives the researchers the opportunity to gain insight into how the virus works and biological properties that protect against it.
The intensive care unit for critical coronavirus patients at the Papa Giovanni hospital in Bergamo, near Milan

Scientists in Italy have found out that the virus resulted in two types of antibodies, one that appears at the first week of the infection and the second one that appears after 20 days and as a result show that the person has had the virus. further studies are being processing for safely reopening in Italy.

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