Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Cutting-Edge Cancer Treatment Turns Deadly

Yesterday, Monday October 1, 2018, the New York times released an article reporting a cancer treatment had go awry. The treatment used immunotherapy, a type of treatment that boosts the body’s natural defenses. In this case, scientists genetically alter a person’s white blood cells so that they are able to recognize cancer cells. This type of immunotherapy was called CAR-T. CAR-T stands for the anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell product, and it is the first FDA-approved gene-modification cell therapy of any kind. It has had much success in sending aggressive cancers into remission. However, in this instance, when scientists genetically altered the T-cells of patient 116 they accidentally altered one cancer cell’s (leukemia cell) genome as well. The change made the leukemia cell invisible to the newly altered white blood cells. Although the patient briefly entered remission, the leukemia cell began to rapidly divide without detection causing a relapse and, eventually, the death of patient 116. After his relapse, blood tests showed that every new leukemia cell contained the genetic mutation.

Basics of immunotherapy
This article, showing what can go wrong with engineered genetic mutations, was coincidentally published the same day the Nobel Prize for Medicine was announced. The 2018 winners, Dr. James Allison and Dr. Tasuku Honjo, were awarded the prize based off of their research on/discovery of immunotherapy in cancer treatments. They used different target antigens than the study mentioned above, however the basis of the treatments is the same. The idea behind immunotherapy is portrayed in the image below. Essentially, scientists are prompting T-cells to recognize and destroy cancer cells that usually have defenses to evade such white blood cells. This can either be done with drugs to block the cancer’s defense, or with a transfection which allows the T-cell to produce the antigens they need themselves. A transfection is when a group of cells is exposed to a virus that contains DNA that is to be incorporated into the host’s genome so that they may produce the desired proteins (antigens).
This article shows the good and the evil of genetic modification. Patient 116 was the first of over 400 patients to have this negative side effect of the treatment. Not all of the other 400 patients were sent into permanent remission, but overall the treatment had been more successful than negative. Patient 116 died as a direct result of the engineered genetic mutation. This plays directly to the fears that the public has on genetic mutation, whether it be immunotherapy or GMOs in foods. People worry that scientists may create super bugs, or that GMOs are dangerous. As scientists, we know that this is largely untrue and that there is generally no danger in eating GMOs. However, when it is people’s own cells, there is increased risk.  
Genetic editing is still an emerging science. Although there are risks, as exemplified above, it is important to think about the long term, positive implications. Genetic editing has the potential to cure diseases that previously would have been a death sentence. Although patient 116 died from this treatment, there were over 400 other patients who experienced benefits. It is important that one failed attempt does not take away from the successes and that we do not allow it to impede research and scientific discovery.


1 comment:

  1. Good post on a very important topic. It is interesting that the headline of the NYT article emphasizes the one patient who died and not the 400 who benefitted. But it is important that scientists are candid about the risks of their science.
