Sunday, September 30, 2018

Breaking Bad Addictions

Ever wondered why someone can’t beat an addiction? Addictions can range from anything from drugs, alcohol, gambling, or even the internet- although the infatuation with said substances or objects may not make sense to you, the reason why certain individuals can’t let go is that it’s a part of who they are- literally. The reason why you’re having an issue kicking your cigarette habit may not be because of the addictive properties of nicotine alone, but also because of the genetic possibility that you are wired to be addicted to said substances.

In a recent study, it was found that an ancient retrovirus, Human Endogenous Retrovirus Type K (HML-2), abbreviated as HK2, is a genome that silently promotes genetic behavior. A retrovirus is a group of RNA viruses that can insert their genetic code into their host’s DNA to multiply those cells. The retrovirus is most predominantly found in people with drug addictions than those without and is also known to have an influence on human behavior. Scientists, in fact, believe that this pathogen is responsible for changing the neurochemistry in our brains, putting us at risk for developing addictions.
The HK2 traces were discovered to be found in the RASGRF2 gene, which is a gene that plays an active role in influencing dopaminergic activity. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, meaning that it releases chemicals from nerve cells to nerve cells that transmits an impulse. Drug use is found to release large surges of dopamine in the brain, meaning that suppression of the HK2 traces is the hopes of the scientists to regulate the amount of dopamine in the brain, and to curb addictions.
HK2 is very rare. It is said to be found in only 5 to 10 percent of people worldwide, without only 5 to 8 percent of the human genome actually being filled with the traces of this ancient retrovirus. In a study at the University of Athens in Greece, they analyzed individual’s DNA to see if there were traces of the HK2 retrovirus in their genes. They recruited 202 HIV positive patients who had been infected via intravenous drugs. It was found that RASGRF2 was 2.5 times more common in these patients than those who were infected by other means. An additional study found that the RASGRF2 gene was linked to alcoholism in teens. Scientists have also used CRISPR-Cas9 to insert traces of HK2 into the DNA of human cells that didn’t already contain the retrovirus. The traces changed the expression pattern concluding that HK2 does, in fact, change the process by which information is stored in the DNA.

Chemophobia is a bit prevalent in the articles, in which individuals are doubtful that a chemical not found in all individuals can be the reason for addiction. The only hazards that researchers suspect are whether or not this retrovirus is still alive. The article reinforces the stereotypes of chemists as "mad scientists," in which there is already controversy amongst the public on whether a gene contains the power for someone to have an addiction. Scientists believe that with more studies, targeting the HK2 virus can create better interventions for individuals suffering from an addiction. This intervention would involve creating a drug to target their insertion. The ultimate goal for the scientists is for these interventions to destigmatize the image of addiction, and shift the focus onto pharmacological support for addicts.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

BPA free ≠ Healthy


            When grocery shopping, BPA Free labeled products are everywhere. Yet you will notice that all these products are still made with a plastic. Many companies such as Reynolds Wrap, have labeled their products “BPA free” but what does that really mean? Popular replacements for BPA are polyvinyl chloride (PVC), Bisphenol S (BPS), or low density polyethylene (LDPE). But what is  the toxicity of these replacement plasticizers.
            To start we must understand the toxicity of BPA to analyze the change companies are attempting to make with these replacements. The plasticizer BPA or Bisphenol A was once used for the purpose of creating plastics that contained drinks and wrapped produce in the US since the 1960’s. It was later found that BPA is leaking toxic resins into products we ingest on daily basis such as water bottles, canned foods and polycarbonate plastics like sceran wrap. These toxic resins are known to cause reproductive and bladder cancer leading many consumers to avoid BPA and seek out products labeled BPA free assuming something healthier is its replacement. Unfortunately these replacements like PVC and BPS are just less researched and less widely known than BPA leading to the presumption that they are healthy when this is far from the truth. A recent study done showed 81% of Americans have detectable levels of BPS in their urine. Given the increasing use of BPS and PVC studies have now been done and the results are all too familiar. Scientist found that BPS and PVC are essentially just as bad as BPA,  causing disruptions of normal cell functions leading to metabolic disorders for example obesity, diabetes, asthma, birth defects or even reproductive or bladder cancer. With no really safe replacements consumers are at high risk and should be cautious when associating BPA free products with healthy products.


Monday, September 24, 2018

Music is the Key to Happiness

Everybody loves music. There is a huge variety of music genres in the world and personally, I’ve yet to meet someone who says they hate all music. Have you ever wondered why your mood tends to improve when you’re listening to your favorite band or composer? That would be thanks to the chemical dopamine.

Dopamine, often referred to as the “happy chemical”, is a neurotransmitter that is connected to the reward system of the brain. It is released in the striatum of the brain. Dopamine is released in response to naturally rewarding stimuli such as food, intimacy, and exercise. It can also be released as a result of artificial stimuli, such as the drugs cocaine and amphetamine. Studies have shown that this same chemical tends to be released when listening to and playing music as well. Dopamine is released during the peak emotional moment of a song also in the seconds leading up to it, during the anticipation phase. Numerous scientific studies have been done that show a strong correlation between music and happiness.

In a study from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, researchers used positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) techniques to scan the brains of the study’s participants as they listened to music. The researchers found that when the test subjects were listening to music they enjoyed, their levels of dopamine transmission were up to 9% higher than when not listening to music. It was also found that when the volunteers experienced a “chill” at the peak moments of songs, they were feeling maximum pleasure; the most amounts of dopamine were being transmitted at these times.

An Australian study used data from the annual Australian Unity Wellbeing Index survey to look at the correlation between music and happiness. They found that Australian citizens who either listened to music, sang, played an instrument, composed music or attended music-oriented events had higher levels of happiness than those who did none of the previously listed activities. This study also found that those who physically attended live music events rather than just listening to music on the radio had higher happiness levels.

There is also some evidence that music, especially music with a slower tempo and of the classical genre, has the ability to help reduce stress and anxiety. This in turn boosts your happiness levels as well. A study was done where patients who were about to undergo surgery either took anti-anxiety medicine or listened to music. Their anxiety ratings and cortisol levels (also known as the stress hormone) were tracked. It was found that the patients who listened to music had lower cortisol levels and less anxiety than those who took the anti-anxiety drugs.

To put it simply, the more you listen to music, the happier you’ll be!


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Science's Best Friend

Last month in the Wall Street Journal, the newest advances in gene-editing technology were discussed. Amy Dockser Marcus reports that researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have utilized CRISPR/Cas9 to cure dogs suffering from muscular dystrophy. This is a genetic disease that causes deterioration of muscles by preventing the production of dystrophin. This experimental gene therapy successfully restored dystrophin production in various muscles of dogs, including the heart and diaphragm, with results as high as 90% restored function. The senior author of the research paper, Eric Olson, explains, “It’s like putting a good spare tire on a car. It’s not as good as the original, but it gets you where you want to go”.

Dogs Suffering from Muscular Dystrophy Find Relief Using CRISPR

            This is just one example of new gene therapies experimenting with the CRISPR/Cas9 system to cure genetic diseases. CRISPR, which stands for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, is bacteria’s natural mechanism for developing resistance to viral infections. Cas9 is an associated endonuclease enzyme which cuts DNA at specific locations as directed by guide RNA. Upon discovery of this system, researchers were able to introduce this protein technology into eukaryotic cells. The repair system can also been adapted so that when a specific DNA sequence is determined to be compromised, such as the mutated dystrophin gene, guide RNA leads Cas9 to the affected area, which is then cut, and the cell’s repair machinery can then disrupt, delete, or even correct the mutated gene with a synthetic RNA template. This revolutionary system has offered hope for many genetic diseases, from muscular dystrophy to cystic fibrosis, as it attacks the mutations at the genetic level and would cure the underlying root cause of the diseases. 

How the CRISPR/Cas9 System Functions in DNA 
 Although this biochemistry discovery is shed in a positive light in the article as it helped improve the livelihoods of several dogs and holds promising potential for future cures in humans, there are still traces of chemophobia in the article. While discussing the CRISPR/Cas9 system the author asserts, “Its development…has also sparked concerns about unintentional cuts and deletions of DNA”. Despite there being no negative results or side effects in the dogs who received the treatment, the possibility that dangerous outcomes could occur is still discussed at some length. This is an example of chemophobia as the idea of chemical treatments often has a negative connotation even though most practices are safe and even life-saving, such as CRISPR. Strict regulations and standards are in place to avoid such possibilities. Just as UT first researched on cells, then mice, and then dogs, they still have many phases of research and regulations to complete before being allowed to complete clinical trials on humans. When these clinical trials do occur, they will be as safe and as harm free as possible, otherwise they would not be allowed to proceed. 
            The CRISPR/Cas9 system is a robust, chemical discovery that could save people’s lives.  It is being developed as a gene-therapy tool for a wide range of diseases, and the researchers at UT Southwestern have helped out several dogs suffering from muscular dystrophy, and hopefully soon will be able to do the same for humans. 
