Thursday, November 3, 2016

Bio batteries

Many things that we own run on batteries. Your phone, computer, and car all need a battery. Batteries that we have now are ridig, bulky, can overheat, and leak.  Researchers from the Renselaer Polytechnic Institute are research bio batteries. These new batteries uses bodily fluids such as blood, sweat, and even urine. So they could be inserted under the skin without any discomfort. They would continue to work as long as you keep eating. The batteries are thin like paper because they are much like paper.

They are 90% paper and 10% carbon nanotubes. The carbon nanotubes are what give it its conductive abilities. Advantages are that the battery is thin, light weight and can be cut into different shapes. When a few of them are bundled together they can be used to power medical implants. They can resist low temperatures and high temperatures up to 300 degrees Farhenheit. As well as a battery it can act as a high energy capacitor. I would assume that people would become concerned with how far the application would be taken by the commercial market if the battery can become strong enough to power something like a cell phone. That could lead to people start having a phone as part of there body which sounds cool but also dangerous at the same time
The link to the article is below

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