Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Misconceptions in Alternative Medicine

In the Wall Street Journal article, the writer organizes the article with the list of opinions of the influential individuals about the misconception of alternative medicine. Alternative medicine is perceived as foreign, second or third class treatment, and the effect is not beneficial as conventional medicine. In the hospital or clinics, most of the physicians in the U.S. like to perceive alternative medicine in a negative way, because they are taught in the style of western medicine.
Alternative medicine is also a huge business and has its own tradition. The oldest tradition is from China. For example, herbal medicines had been used longer than the conventional medicine, but it is not valued the same. The science behind alternative medicine is not strongly favored in the U.S. because some of the problems relate to impurities and if it is FDA approved or not. "Once in the U.S., these products can be repackaged and marketed without any FDA inspection until serious injury occurs". This is one of the reasons that many patients and physicians do not like to choose alternative medicine. Patients and the physicians like to have the approved form of medicine that their body will cooperate with the chemistry within. This is a serious problem that could lead to not able to receive proper treatment. For example, foxglove (digitalis) is a plant which is used as a natural product for alternative medicine in the treatment of heart arrhythmia. The active ingredient is digoxin.

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