Thursday, September 22, 2016

GMOs, Good or Bad?

In the article the writer discusses several views on GMOs and if and how they affect the health of the public.  Frankenfoods have become a very controversial topic with companies eager to slap a "Non-GMO" label on their products. While the science behind whether these GMOs are ill for your health is unknown in both corners of the ring, many people have taken it upon themselves to voice their opinions online. The writer brings in the opinion of a person to impose this fear of chemicals in non organic food to add to the public's growing chemophobia.
 Image result for frankenfoods

More than 90% of the corn and soy that is produced in the United States is genetically modified and shows no signs of adverse affects. A study in Russia was preformed on mice that were only fed GMO soy led to a lack of fertility after three generations. What this fails to mention is any notion of other trials that reproduced this effect and who preformed the study. There was no accreditation to the conductor of the experiment. This lack of fertility could have been caused by a multitude of factors including the genetic lineage, environmental conditions, lack in proper nutrition and key amino acids since soy will cause a deficiency in cysteine.

                                   Image result for corn

The article suggests avoiding harmful chemicals like pesticides and herbicides by consuming organic foods. “You won’t find the chemicals in organic food.” The USDA defines organic as an item that must have an ingredients list and the contents should be 95% or more certified organic, meaning free of synthetic additives like pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and dyes, and must not be processed using industrial solvents, irradiation, or genetic engineering. The last 5% must abide by the list provided by the USDA.

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