Monday, October 6, 2014

New "Aquaman" Material Discovered

Danish scientists have invented a new material that could eliminate the need for oxygen tanks by medical patients and divers alike. The crystalline material can absorb oxygen, store it and then later release it. In fact, the material is so strong that just a few small grains can store enough oxygen for one breath. This video further explains how the revolutionary material works:

 If used correctly, the crystals could give divers the ability to stay underwater for extended periods of time without a tank as if they had the powers of Aquaman. This could also benefit patients needing supplemental oxygen who need to carry large tanks with them. 
Scientists are still in the process of figuring out how to manipulate the cobalt-based material to release oxygen without the use of heat or atmospheric pressure. However, if this problem is resolved, the material could be a monumental discovery in both medicine and recreation.  

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