Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Electricity from Magnetism: New Way

The physicists has used the "inverse spin Hall effect" works in many organic semiconductors and carbon-60 buckyballs. However, the University of Utah physicists changed magnetic "spin current" into electric current. The efficiency of this new power conversion method isn't yet known, but it might find use in future electronic devices including batteries, solar cells and computers. The study also showed that the conversion of spin current to electric current works in organic semiconductors, also known as "spin-orbit coupling." This process is found in inorganic conductors and semiconductors. Even though this phenomenon in inorganic and organic materials works in various ways. This coupling is much weaker in organic than in inorganic semiconductors, but the big thing that came out of this experiment was the discovery of an experimental method sensitive enough to reliably measure the weak effects in organic semiconductors.

The upper part of this illustration shows the device, built on a small glass slide, that was used in experiments showing that so-called spin current could be converted to electric current using several different organic polymer semiconductors and a phenomenon known as the inverse spin Hall effect. The bottom illustration shows the key, sandwich-like part of the device. An external magnetic field and pulses of microwaves create spin waves in the iron magnet. When those waves hit the polymer or organic semiconductor, they create spin current, which is converted to an electrical current at the copper electrodes.
Credit: Kipp van Schooten and Dali Sun, University of Utah

Link to the Article 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Bacteria powered solar panel

For the first time multiple biological solar cells have been connected together to form a bio solar panel, this is basically just a solar panel that creates energy from the photosynthesis of the bacteria as well as their respiratory activities. It has generated the most wattage of any other existing small scale bio cells at about 5.59microwatts which seems unimpressive at first but considering how small scale this setup actually is, compared to a standard solar cell/panel, it's actually quite impressive. The major benefit of a bio solar cell is that it removes almost all of the toxic components of your normal solar panel and replaces them with bacteria which then produce energy from the light from the sun. A major disadvantage to this technology currently is that the amount of energy produced by this type of solar panel is very small when you compare to standard solar panel. Now that [they] have been able to get a bio solar panel to work and produce power, regardless of how little it produces, it will now be possible for them to focus on improving the efficiency of the cells and the sustainability which could one day surpass the abilities of normal solar panels and give us a source of clean energy that eliminates all the toxic components and waste that are currently an issue in the world of solar energy.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Single-Atom Heat Engine

In Germany, a group of men have devised a method for creating a single-atom heat engine as seen here, utilizing "an ion held within a modified linear Paul trap. [They] use laser cooing and electric-field noise to engineer cold and hot reservoirs. To determine the temperature of the ion, we make use of fast thermometry methods, which make use of the Doppler broadening of optical resonances. The thermodynamic cycles fo the engine is established for various temperature differences of the reservoirs, form which we deduce work and heat, and thus power output and efficiency. We additionally show that the work produced by the engine can be effectively stored and used to drive a harmonic oscillator against friction." The  heat engine is driven by alternately heating and cooling the ion in the radial direction by switching the electric noise on and off while the cooling laser is constantly running. To contain this oscillation, we provide adjustable damping by introducing an additional cooling laser in the axial direction. Optimal operation is achieved when an equilibrium is reached between the work generated by the engine and the energy dissipated by the damping.The group hope that their new technology will promote further exploration into devices and tools uncoupled with thermal reservoirs or single ion refrigerators and pumps. The group also hopes that this discovery will foster the exploration into small quantum machines. 
(A) Experimental setup composed of a single trapped ion (green); lasers for cooling, damping, and observation of the ion (blue); radio-frequency electrodes in funnel geometry (red); end caps (gold); and outer electrodes (gray). The position of the ion is imaged on an ICCD camera. Opposing voltage noise waveforms are additionally supplied to the outer electrodes so as to generate electric-field noise without affecting the trap frequencies. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

New State of Matter! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

*Excitation of a spin liquid on a honeycomb lattice with neutrons*
An international team of researchers, including physicists from the University of Cambridge, have finally managed to observe a "fingerprint" of a new state of matter that was predicted 40 years ago but had never been observed.  This new state of matter, known as quantum spin liquid, is a state of matter in which electrons break apart.  This contradicts our current knowledge of our fundamental electron building block, thought to be indivisible. 
The article, from the University of Cambridge, defines quantum spin liquids to be an unexplained state that has never been conclusively observed up to this point. This was due to a thought for this state being present in only specific magnetic materials. Researchers first came across measurements of these fractional particles in a two-dimensional graphene-like structure.  Based on their experimental results, they were successfully able to compare and match these findings with the Kitaev model, the main model for a quantum spin liquid.
Dr. Dmitry Kovrizhin believes that this observation is "an important step for our understanding of quantum matter." Previously, he and his co-workers have tried to ask the question "if I were performing experiments on a possible quantum spin liquid, what would I observe?" It is believed that in typical metallic compounds, the electrons behave similarly to magnets. The article explains, if one were to cool the material to a low enough temperature, the electron's poles would spread out and line up. Due to this alignment, experiments would yield distinct sharp lines. However, in a quantum spin liquid, this does not occur. Regardless of how much the material is cooled, even to absolute zero, the electrons will not align due to quantum fluctuations. In an experiments, looking at the fractionalization in alpha-ruthenium chloride, researchers analyzed the magnetic properties of the powder by illuminating it it neutrons. The ripples resulted in broad humps versus the distinct sharp lines seen with magnetic materials. This data aligned nicely with research completed in 2014 by Dr. Knolle and his collaborators, providing evidence of this observation of quantum spin liquid.


Researchers have observed the ‘fingerprint’ of a mysterious new quantum state of matter in a two-dimensional material, in which electrons break apart.

It’s an important step for our understanding of quantum matter.
Dmitry Kovrizhin
An international team of researchers have found evidence of a mysterious new state of matter, first predicted 40 years ago, in a real material. This state, known as a quantum spin liquid, causes electrons – thought to be indivisible building blocks of nature – to break into pieces.
The researchers, including physicists from the University of Cambridge, measured the first signatures of these fractional particles, known as Majorana fermions, in a two-dimensional material with a structure similar to graphene. Their experimental results successfully matched with one of the main theoretical models for a quantum spin liquid, known as a Kitaev model. The results are reported in the journal Nature Materials.
Quantum spin liquids are mysterious states of matter which are thought to be hiding in certain magnetic materials, but had not been conclusively sighted in nature.
The observation of one of their most intriguing properties — electron splitting, or fractionalisation — in real materials is a breakthrough. The resulting Majorana fermions may be used as building blocks of quantum computers, which would be far faster than conventional computers and would be able to perform calculations that could not be done otherwise.
“This is a new quantum state of matter, which has been predicted but hasn’t been seen before,” said Dr Johannes Knolle of Cambridge’s Cavendish Laboratory, one of the paper’s co-authors.
In a typical magnetic material, the electrons each behave like tiny bar magnets. And when a material is cooled to a low enough temperature, the ‘magnets’ will order themselves over long ranges, so that all the north magnetic poles point in the same direction, for example.
But in a material containing a spin liquid state, even if that material is cooled to absolute zero, the bar magnets would not align but form an entangled soup caused by quantum fluctuations.
“Until recently, we didn’t even know what the experimental fingerprints of a quantum spin liquid would look like,” said paper co-author Dr Dmitry Kovrizhin, also from the Theory of Condensed Matter group of the Cavendish Laboratory. “One thing we’ve done in previous work is to ask, if I were performing experiments on a possible quantum spin liquid, what would I observe?”
Knolle and Kovrizhin’s co-authors, led by Dr Arnab Banerjee and Dr Stephen Nagler from Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the US, used neutron scattering techniques to look for experimental evidence of fractionalisation in alpha-ruthenium chloride (α-RuCl3). The researchers tested the magnetic properties of α-RuCl3 powder by illuminating it with neutrons, and observing the pattern of ripples that the neutrons produced on a screen when they scattered from the sample.
A regular magnet would create distinct sharp lines, but it was a mystery what sort of pattern the Majorana fermions in a quantum spin liquid would make. The theoretical prediction of distinct signatures by Knolle and his collaborators in 2014 match well with the broad humps instead of sharp lines which experimentalists observed on the screen, providing for the first time direct evidence of a quantum spin liquid and the fractionalisation of electrons in a two dimensional material.
“This is a new addition to a short list of known quantum states of matter,” said Knolle.
“It’s an important step for our understanding of quantum matter,” said Kovrizhin. “It’s fun to have another new quantum state that we’ve never seen before – it presents us with new possibilities to try new things.”
A. Banerjee et al. ‘Proximate Kitaev quantum spin liquid behaviour in a honeycomb magnet.’ Nature Materials (2016). DOI: 10.1038/nmat4604
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Genetically Modified Mosquitos

In an article from STAT news, the United States approved of genetically modified mosquitos to be released in the Florida Keys as sort of a 'clinical trial' to see if they will slow the spread of insect-born illness. The company, Oxitec of Oxford, England, are injecting Aedes aegypti mosquito eggs with two types of genes. One of the genes make the mosquitos die if they are not exposed to the antibiotic, tetracycline, which will happen once they are released from the lab, and the other gene makes the mosquito fluoresce so they can be identified as being modified. These types of mosquitos are the main carrier of the deadly dengue and chikungunya disease and potentially the zika virus. The main goal of releasing these modified mosquitos is to decrease the population of this species of insects. When the modified mosquitos, which are all male, mate and have offspring, those offspring will die before adulthood and will ultimately decrease the population of the Aedes aegypti species and stop the spread of these harmful illnesses. The FDA says that this trial will have no harmful affects on human, animals, or our ecosystem. According to the article by Sharon Begley of STAT news, "Oxitec has conducted similar trials in Brazil, Panama, and the Cayman Islands, reducing the population of Aedes aegypti more than 90 percent." Once the test is cleared, the experiment will become a ‘full-scale’ release.